Thursday, July 13, 2006


Three b's things really sum up this place.

1. Beautiful - Everywhere you went you needed you camera, absolutely stunning
2. Beer - Consumption was high, had a massive one with these 2 germans we met who offered to drive us to munich the next day! Great only 3 hours by car!
3. Bitch to get out of!!!!! - Due to the massive one, the new friendly germans were too sick to drive the next day. Hmmmm oops As a result a mammoth trip begining at 5pm in Cesky Krumlov and ending at 6am in Munich the morning of the Aust vs Brazil game. It included a maccas run in the dodgiest place in the czech republic, seeing the sights of Austria at 2 in the morning before trying to nap on the benches in the train station and chris not showering for 40 hours. mmmmmmm

Told you it was nice

"How the hell do we get out of this place!"


OK first to admit i had no idea how to pronounce this place (ol-a-mots...sorta) let alone know where it was or what it had but Tooles cousin owned a hostel here (and i have to say, one of the best ive stayed in, except for the stairs....). But blimey i was impressed. It was everything the czech republic had to offer (history, authentic czechs, cheap beer, beautiful scenery) but only in a small intimate and hidden away little town. Good times and highly recommended to all!!!!!

Oh and stay at poets corner if you go! Plug for you Francy!

Ahh the famous 'fun boy' sundae. Apparently these warm raspberry and icecream sundaes are a town specialty. But when two grown men at the same table order them in the middle of the afternoon. The whole restaurant seems to look and the czech wait staff smile for the first time since the USSR collapsed. As a result me and toole changed the name to fun boy sundae. It seemed to take off.

N.B. yes i am refering to myself when i say grown man and i would appreciate no derogatory comments to the contrary please. I think there is enough material there already for you to work with. Regards.

Friday, July 07, 2006


So first days sightseeing! Cant really say we made it that far. Cheap beer, cheap food, big screen football and dutch supporters saw me take alot of photos from the same seated position

This was 90 degrees to the right of the above photo...

and this is 180 degrees from the top one.... i think. it was a bit later on in the day

But then the next day me and toolba got out and saw more of what the beautiful prague had to offer!

Another day another guard. This guy was breathing so heavy i thought he was about to fall on me, cant blame him, loves to be about 35 degrees and dressed in a wollen suit!

Lovely church inside the Castle grounds!

But that was the morning,,,,,,,,the afternoon was the great afternoon and night forever known as 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow what an afternoon and night, so many aussies coming out of the woodwork, and what a game, what a way to win. it couldnt have ended any better, right up there with the qualifier!

An optimistic toolba and new friend dax before the game!

After the 2nd goal, or the third, who cared WE WON!!! WOOOOOOOOOO

Did i mention we won?

Turning our loyalties to the czechs in the next game!

and lastly................................

Sure she isnt asleep in the gutter, but still.................................