Everyone loves a good house partay!
Well i do, for numerous reasons
1. Often they are close to home
2. BYO, which means you can bring whole goon bags of wine and cider and save yourself lots of poundies on cover charges and tequila shots.
3. Themes, always fun.
4. The people there are some way connected to you (even if its a 6 degrees Kevin Bacon type thing) so its never weird to just rock up and start talking to people.
5. There are no bouncers, so you never get kicked out for falling asleep
So as you may have guessed i was the lucky invitee to my old mate from home, Jessica's house party. As you also may have guessed there was a theme - Superheros and Villains! wooo, being the sucker that i am for our Belgian friend i went as the one and only Tintin. I also thought it was only fitting as Tintin was actually based on Herge's earlier character Totor, who was in fact a bit 'festively plump'. And for those who may be new to my world i may have been in a previous life, as Angus takes such pleasure in reminding me,,,,fat. So inspirational Jenny Craig stories aside, here is my brief run down of the night to accompany my brief recollection.
- Angus took part in his second shortest stint at a party ever.
- Cask Cider or 'Coon' is not very nice. Hock - a German brand of Cask Wine or 'Goon' is extremely nice
- Girlfriends in Cruella Deville wigs are not easy to spot.
- Malin's affliction to extreme sleeping is contagious, with her, Jess and Lisa all falling asleep at what i thought was an early hour . At least Malin got back up though.
- With absent and sleeping friends i spent most of the party talking to very interesting randoms. Shame i can not remember any of their names really, one was dressed as a priest though.
- I chatted to our housemate Big Mike on his way to work on Sunday morning, cant remember what was said though as i had just got home
All in all a success. I was still drunk when food shopping at 5pm Sunday afternoon. Angus said he could tell this because i thought the chillies vaguely named after a part of the female anatomy were hilarious.
As my camera has a mysterious illness and is currently in a coma, these are limited photos from Malin's.

Well i do, for numerous reasons
1. Often they are close to home
2. BYO, which means you can bring whole goon bags of wine and cider and save yourself lots of poundies on cover charges and tequila shots.
3. Themes, always fun.
4. The people there are some way connected to you (even if its a 6 degrees Kevin Bacon type thing) so its never weird to just rock up and start talking to people.
5. There are no bouncers, so you never get kicked out for falling asleep
So as you may have guessed i was the lucky invitee to my old mate from home, Jessica's house party. As you also may have guessed there was a theme - Superheros and Villains! wooo, being the sucker that i am for our Belgian friend i went as the one and only Tintin. I also thought it was only fitting as Tintin was actually based on Herge's earlier character Totor, who was in fact a bit 'festively plump'. And for those who may be new to my world i may have been in a previous life, as Angus takes such pleasure in reminding me,,,,fat. So inspirational Jenny Craig stories aside, here is my brief run down of the night to accompany my brief recollection.
- Angus took part in his second shortest stint at a party ever.
- Cask Cider or 'Coon' is not very nice. Hock - a German brand of Cask Wine or 'Goon' is extremely nice
- Girlfriends in Cruella Deville wigs are not easy to spot.
- Malin's affliction to extreme sleeping is contagious, with her, Jess and Lisa all falling asleep at what i thought was an early hour . At least Malin got back up though.
- With absent and sleeping friends i spent most of the party talking to very interesting randoms. Shame i can not remember any of their names really, one was dressed as a priest though.
- I chatted to our housemate Big Mike on his way to work on Sunday morning, cant remember what was said though as i had just got home
All in all a success. I was still drunk when food shopping at 5pm Sunday afternoon. Angus said he could tell this because i thought the chillies vaguely named after a part of the female anatomy were hilarious.
As my camera has a mysterious illness and is currently in a coma, these are limited photos from Malin's.
The kids still in costume, Thunderbird Angus and Tomb Raider Malin. Note garbage bag clad walls, great for atmosphere and preventing wall spillage