Thursday, January 25, 2007


So this post has 3 reasons behind it.
1. She actually hasnt appeared on here since her visit to London last May, in which some would say some a few things have changed
2. My mum now thinks that i am going out with Angus
3. To celebrate 1 year since Kampot!

So Malin here you are, a starring role in this ever riveting blog.

On my first day in Sweden back in June. Abba in a Volvo, wearing blue and yellow, it goes without saying!

Picking berries in the forest (Note amount of clothing for the middle of Summer)

Bad News?

A taste of Australia at Notting Hill Carnival

5am at the Walkie with some mug watching the AFL Grand Final viewing

Visit to Australia!

And finally, enjoying a drop out at dinner last night in Chelsea.


token tim said...

She's so beautiful! I love the bad news picture.

You're a very lucky trashbag whitnall. Very lucky indeed.


They call me 'Bohemoth'. said...

who IS that hot chic and how much do you pay her to hang around?