Farewell to departed friends!
Ok so i know its been about a month since we said ta ta to Pen nd Juls, and almost two weeks since we wished Timmay and Tristan goodbye (btw sorry Trissy, only photos ive got are on my other memory chip i think! - will hopefully get one up soon!). I thought i should do a bit of a remeberance blog. To say thank you to you all for joining our tribe and trapsing through S.E Asia with us. Was great to have you all and we definatley miss you since youve been gone! Julia i have plenty of better photos but i thought this one really captured the the essence of our relationship, or at least your relationship with my camera haha.
Pen, blue pumpkin............ thats all i have to say!
give me spinach gnocchi that looks like large caterpillars.... and fish ravioli amok .. and big straws that shoot frappes straight down your throat and big white couches....
actually give me anything that isn't muswellbrook.
miss you chickens! (no bird flu joke intended!)
had a crazy dream about you playing in the soccer world cup the other day...and then proposing to this chick in the crowd (no names mentioned on a public forum) and then you moved to italy to play soccer for some very very rich club and you bought me a holiday home there. very very cool dream. and you looked only slightly funny in soccer shorts!
Pen are you still taking the doxy??? Cos that is proof in itself it is those drugs give you the wierd dreams! Although im more than happy to lead the forementioned life...depending on who the mystery bird is.
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