Phnom Penh Part II!
So after seeing all the Khmer Rouge horrors in the town you are definatley in need of some cheering up! I personally really liked Phnom Penh for this reason. It has a sort of buzz about it, not sure if this is all the time or just the fact that we were there for Chinese New Year and the parties and firecrackers can be put down to that! More likely i suspect! Phnom Penh was also home to two very enjoyable nights out at a funny club called the Heart of Darkness! Home of the Cambodian elite. Quite seedy but dance offs with crazy cambodian dudes and watching who we have dubbed the 'Cambodian Paris and Nicole' dance was quite funny! The lads are my new Cambdian mates who i ripped up on the stage, dance off style. All in all i think the photos prove we had quite an enjoyable night, haha.
Gday Mate,
Great to see Mon winning the pool comp and you ripping up the dance floor...doing Aus proud. The trip sounds well wicked, and your blogs are great for killing time at work. Tell us about all the hot backpackers your picking up! Looking foward to a beer or two in the UK with youse alls.
ahh the rock!
Mate wouldnt have it any other way. If i cant be in Turin then a PP dancefloor will just have to do. London pubs here we come!
eww double chin. i am going to punch you right in the ovaries for the pic chris.
hi chris!
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