Steamy Saigon!
Well well, what a city! What can i say about it but Tokyo mixed with the seedyness of Kings Cross. Speaking of seedy, while walking the streets during the 4 nights we were there i managed to rack up a personal tally of being offered 18 marjuanas, 2 ecstasys, 2 opiums and a coke. Young girls were also offered a few times but i lost count of that one. No dont get me wrong, i loved it and it was good to get somewere with a bit of personality about it! Was alot of fun to observe such a place and good to be in a big city again after a few weeks hitting up the smaller town.
I seem to only take photos when the sun is setting though...will try and work on that.
I saw two old ladies pooing on the side of the road in Siagon. Poo. He he he he.
hehehe poo. Only saw the men pissing on the blue wall near our hotel. No old ladies.
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