Sunday, March 12, 2006

RIP White Havaianas.
2003 - 2006

Died while accompanying owner walking through a lake with strong current.

A great servent, will be remembered for being extremly comfortable, versatile and loyal - getting owner through caves, jungle, a bloody trip to RPA and of course - many a social event.

Is survived by White Havaianas with Australian flag on them.


Anonymous said...

We all mourn the loss chris!

Anonymous said...

lol!!!!!!!!!!!..hope u don't have to bury the mooks too!..mumxxx

Anonymous said...

no way!

i thought those buddys would live forever...are you wearing the girls thongs in the shower now???

i have had to super glue my white strappy's back together after all the abuse they copped in vietnam...but to no avail, they will also be sadly missed.


Anonymous said...

Also RIP to brown haviannas

Owner : one Trashbag Tim.

Last seen in dirty hostel showers at 6am on my last morning in London.

Taken in return : they key to the shower block (by accident, but kinda funny)


hiedistar said...

Do you want me to send you ones from Brazil? It is kind of close...

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the night they accompanied us to Arq at 6am! Poor little havs :(

Me! said...

Aww Ant your making me teary.... that was an adventurius day for trusty Havs! oh i miss them so much.

Kylie not yet thankyou, I couldnt make up my mind which to birng so actually have two now.... Thanks for the offer, see how these onse travel

Anonymous said...

tis a sad day
a sad day indeed

go buy some imitation versace thongs for a fraction of the price, i say.

hooray for asian knockoffs


Me! said...

mate you would be proud. $15 diesel jeans. Hooray indeed for Asian knockoffs

Anonymous said...

Who can tell the difference between real and fake nowdays anyway.